SPAAN Membership

Full Membership

A Master’s degree holder or equivalent with specialization in the area s of Speech Pathology and or Audiology and must have undergone a one-year internship in an approved clinical setting and pass the requisite examination for clinical competence

Associate Membership

A Bachelor’s degree holder and other allied professionals who have some related practice in the field of Speech / Language and Hearing. E.g. Psychologists, Otolaryngologists, Counselors, Social workers, Linguists, Mass communicationists etc.

Student Membership

These are students who are undertaking courses in Speech / Language and Audiology disciplines with a view to specializing in the discipline

Persons applying for full membership will be required to furnish all copies of certificates of academic attainment to date.


  1. Every candidate for membership shall complete an official application form with a fixed passport photograph and undertake to abide by, and uphold the constitution of the Association at all times and pay the prescribed enrolment fee
  2. Enrolment of new members shall be carried out by the General Secretary of the Association
  3. Every member shall be entitled to a copy of the Association’s constitution-free to be included in the registration package
  4. A member shall have the right to resign his/her membership
  5. Members are expected to attend at least one Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in a year



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[column col=”6″][super_button icon=”fa-th-list” label=”Members’ List” tagline=”Verify SPAAN active member online” color=”#ff9f00″ link=”#” link_opens=”_self”][/column]


About us

We are a professional body saddled with the responsibility of accrediting training and programmes and ensuring ethical standards in the practice of Speech Pathology and Audiology in Nigeria. 


16A. Paul Henricks Str, off Saka Agbaje, Aare Avenue,Bodija, Ibadan.

© Copyright 2021 Speach Pathologists and Audiologists Association in Nigeria (SPAAN). All rights reserved.